artist and student membership
When you become a member of the California Society of Printmakers you’ll enjoy many benefits associated with the oldest printmaking society in the nation.
Artist and Student Members must initially be juried into the California Society of Printmakers via Portfolio Review, which is a juried process held twice each year.
The summer application deadline is June 1. The winter application deadline is December 1.
Juried Membership Categories
Artist Membership. Annual Dues $50
All benefits listed below. Artist members are initially juried in.
Student Membership. Annual Dues $20
Receives artist member benefits listed below. Student members are initially juried in. To be eligible for a student membership, one must be enrolled in a printmaking program with a college or university at the time of jurying. The goal of student membership is to provide a financial break on application fees and yearly dues as well as a reduced work sample requirement to artists currently pursuing a degree in printmaking.
Artist & Student Membership Benefits
- Annual Members’ Exhibition. The CSP presents an annual non-juried exhibition for its Artist Members. This exhibition is usually held in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Juried Exhibitions. The CSP sponsors juried exhibitions for its Artist Members at a variety of levels and venues. While many are held in the Bay Area, others have been held throughout the country and internationally.
- Artists’ Residencies. This competitive, high profile Artist member benefit involves select Master Printmakers and print studios from around the Bay Area. Each residency host receives a stipend to facilitate a print based project focused in the area of specialty of the Master Printmaker, or the studio facilities. Application is via the CSP Submittable.
- The Annual Meeting. The CSP Annual meeting hosts an invited special guest or conducts an artists panel which discusses topics of interest to printmakers. A membership exhibition is often held in conjunction with the meeting as are a print exchange and other print activities. The annual meeting provides an opportunity for members to meet other print artists and supporters of the print arts, learn of upcoming CSP opportunities and programs, and share food and beverages in a lively, informal setting.
- Members’ Listserv. The members’ listserv is an email forum which provides members with information on events, exhibitions, opportunities and other information of print interest. Members are encouraged to post their own exhibitions, events and other print related information on the listserv.
- Special Events. Special Events include visits to professional institutions and artists’ studios, panels, talks, workshops, demos and networking events. These events provide opportunities for members to learn about contemporary issues in printmaking; about specific printmaking techniques and print venues; and are excellent opportunities to network and exchange professional expertise.
- The California Printmaker: The Journal of the California Society of Printmakers is a global journal of contemporary printmaking published annually.
- Member news features in Relevant Ink, CSP’s bi-monthly newsletter, and on CSP social media.
- Membership directory. Digital directory of current members published annually.
- Website Portfolio. This is a self-managed artwork portfolio on the CSP website.
- Kala Art Institute Discount. Take 10% off all Kala Classes and Workshops.
Additional Student Benefits:- reduced application fee
- reduced annual membership dues
- fewer required work samples in submitted portfolio.
Application Process for Artist and Student Membership
Membership in the CSP is open to artists from anywhere in the world who create hand-pulled prints. This includes artists who use traditional printmaking techniques, such as etching, lithography, relief printing, and silk screen. It also includes artists who make hybrid prints, monotypes, artist books and print installations, so long as some hand printmaking is involved. Artists who use solely photographic or digital methods are not eligible for artist membership.
Artist and Student Members are juried into the organization by a review committee of current and previous members of the CSP Board of Directors. Portfolio Reviews for membership are held twice a year with application deadlines on June 1 and December 1.
Applicants will be notified within 45 days of the portfolio review deadline.
There is no limit to the number of times an artist may apply for membership.
The application fee is non-refundable.
Artist membership Application:
- 10 images of recent work (within last 3 years)
- Artist Bio (500 word count maximum)
- Artist Statement (500 word count maximum)
- Image list
- Optional Technical Note (500 word count maximum)
- $35 application fee (non-refundable)
Student Membership Application:
- 5 images of recent work (within last 3 years)
- Proof of enrollment in a college printmaking program at the time of jurying.
- Artist Bio (500 word count maximum)
- Artist Statement (500 word count maximum)
- Image list
- Optional Technical Note (500 word count maximum)
- $20 application fee (non-refundable)
Portfolio Requirements:
Please submit a cohesive body of work that demonstrates your personal artistic vision, rather than a sampling of unrelated works. Images must be clear and of quality and demonstrate professional presentation. Submitted works must be current (within last three years).
See Artist Resources for links to professional documentation standards and tips
Student applicants are expected to employ the same standard and quality of work as Artist member applicants, with fewer work samples submitted.
Book artists should submit three books produced in the past three years. It is recommended that each book project has a minimum of three images submitted for review. Books must include at least one original print that meets the criteria above.
Artists may submit installations using print work produced in the past three years. It is recommended that each installation project has a minimum of three images submitted for review. Installations must include at least one original print that meets the criteria above.
Review Criteria:
In reviewing your work for both artist and student applications, we will look at the following factors:
- Whether work demonstrates a professional level of technical competence and a master proficiency in the medium submitted
- Whether the the body of work as a whole shows a consistent, well developed artistic vision.
- Documentation images must be of professional presentation: work is clearly photographed on a clear, neutral background, or shown in situ, for installation work. See artist resources links for professional documentation standards and tips.
Membership applications must be submitted online via Submittable. To begin the application process, please click on the submit button below.

Membership Dues
New Member Dues.
Annual membership dues are collected upon acceptance into the Society. Members admitted between January 1 and September 1 pay full membership dues for the year in which they are admitted, and during the January 1 membership renewal each year thereafter.
Late Dues
Artist & Student Members late in their annual membership dues – less than 2 years – can reinstate their membership benefits by contacting the Membership Chair and initiating payment here.
Lapsed Membership
Former Artist & Student members who have allowed their membership to lapse – more than 2 years non-payment – and wish to be reinstated must reapply following the portfolio review guidelines above.
Please note: membership dues are not prorated.
Friend, Institutional and Business Membership Benefits and Dues Renewal.
Membership dues and financial contributions are tax deductible within the rules of the IRS. 501(c)(3) non-profit: #94-3041475.
CSP is completely run by member volunteers and supported by donations and membership fees. 100% of all donations go directly to support programs, events and artist opportunities.