Resonance in Print Exhibition & Events
Resonance in Print
Recent Projects from the California Society of Printmakers
Sonoma Community Center – Gallery 212
Exhibition: April 21–May 18
Sonoma Art Walk: May 2 | 5 – 7:30 pm
Print Day in May Community Event: May 4
Reception: May 4 | 5 – 8 pm
Annual Meeting: May 18
Sonoma Community Center
276 East Napa Street, Sonoma, CA 95476
Gallery hours: Monday – Saturday from 10 am – 4 pm. Sunday by appointment.
California Society of Printmakers (CSP) and Sonoma Community Center are pleased to announce a group exhibition, Resonance in Print on view in Gallery 212 at the Sonoma Community Center.
Through their craft, artists have the power to chronicle history, evolve societal values, and provide insightful commentary on our shared experience. Resonance in Print is a showcase exhibition of recent California Society of Printmakers projects, featuring prints from more than 100 artists.
Residency experiences are crucial resources, providing artists with the freedom and insight needed to move their work forward. The California Society of Printmakers Artist in Residence program pairs artist members with Bay Area master printers who host and assist recipients in completing ambitious short term projects. The residency program began in 2015 and has resulted in nineteen residency awards given to date, with two scheduled for 2024. Present are recent CSP AIR recipients Kent Manske, Sarah Klein, Donna Brown, Luz Marina Ruiz, and Meri Brin. These opportunities contribute to the impactful dialogue gained from the artistic endeavor, providing our awardees with the necessary time and resources to produce influential work.
CSP’s Membership Engagement Grants, and the Collaborative Projects supported by CSP, further fuels this innovation within printmaking. By providing direct monetary and organization support toward unique projects, artists are empowered to investigate new ideas and redefine creative possibilities. Artist-led projects, such as A Dialogue in Print with the Print Club of Rochester, Confluence with PrintHouston, Extraction: On the Margins, Erica Barajas’ eMERGE, and Zach Clark’s Ideal Engagements and Garland Variations, not only enhance community across the country but also stimulate a vibrant exchange of research and ideas within the printmaking field

Included artists: Carol Acquilano, Andis Applewhite, Arturo Araujo, Kelly Autumn, Marty Azevedo, Katherine Baca-Bielinis, Karen Baden Thapa, Erica Barajas, Susan Belau, Janet Best Badger, Pat Barton, Meri Brin, Megan Broughton, Donna Brown, Amy Burek, Israel Campos, Chris Charles, LeeAnn J. DiCicco, Babette Cooijmans, Maddie Corsaro, Luisa Duarte, Zach Clark, Tarrant Clements, Lucinda Cobley, Kate Deak, Beth Fein, Orna Feinstein, Lori A. Foster, Betty Friedman, Karen Gallagher Iverson, Leamon Green, Kevin Harris, Marian Harris, Carol Hayman, Rozanne Hermelyn Di SIlvestro, nif hodgson, Susan Howe, Cathie Kayser, Barbara Kibbe, Joanna Kidd, Sarah Klein, Danguole Kuolas, Sebastian Laszczyk, Dixie Laws, Amy Maestas, Renee Magnanti, Kent Manske, Ellen Markoff, Mary V. Marsh, Anna Mavromatis, Vera McBride, Ann McIntyre, Stephanie Mercado, Golbanou Moghaddas, HJ Mooij, Barbara Morris, Sharon Navage, Paloma Núñez-Regueiro, Ashley Rodriguez Reed, Janis O’Driscoll, Bill Pangburn, Olga Perron, AV Pike, Barbara Poole, Maryellen Quarles, Gisela Ramirez, Katherine Rhodes Fields, Anna Rochester, Daniel Rothenberg, Luz Marina Ruiz, Charlotte Seifert, Cassidy Skillman, Toru Sugita, Terry Svat, Heather Swenson, Jami Taback, Genesis Torres Turris, Susana Terrell, Ginger Tolonen, Frances Valesco, Summer Ventis, Allison Walker, Monica Wiesblott, Laura Wellington, Moose Wesler, Nanette Wylde, Haoyun Erin Zhao, Joe Ziolkowski.
Thank you. Heartfelt appreciation goes to Kelly Autumn, Donna Brown, Macy Chadwick, Zach Clark, Kevin Harris, Karen Gallagher Iverson, Dana Harris Seeger, Jami Taback, Karen Baden Thappa, Nikki Thompson, Thomas Wojak, and Nanette Wylde for generously contributing your time and talent to craft the programs reflected in these works and for your support in presenting this showcase. The steadfast commitment of our volunteers to CSP programs allows us to collectively advance and support the world of printmaking arts.